Booking Travel in 2021

24 Feb 21

Travelling again in 2021

A word from our founder, Blal Choudhry


It feels great to have a plan, it’s even better now there’s the hope of seeing those plans through. For some of us, that’s a holiday break away on a beach, skiing, surfing, trekking etc.

Thanks to the Government Announcement yesterday we now look forward to re-opening of home, work & travel. The government’s 4 step plan completes on the 21st June and is just in time for your Summer Holiday!

Although International Travel guidelines will be reviewed after 12th April ( in 6 weeks), we can expect a surge in travel and bookings with most of us, if not all of us – getting away from it all.

There’s going to be some reluctance to book travel again, no one wants to be sat on the phone chasing refunds. At Flight Patrol, we can help. We can be with you every step of the way to get you back in the air.

We want to offer our first 1000 customers free cover on flight bookings. In addition, we will also look at all your previous travel 6 years back & advise on them as your unclaimed entitled refunds.

In this way, we make sure that you get paid for what’s yours. Taking the pain off booking your next holiday.

So let us help you go away again.

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