Travel is back - where’s hot in 2022

01 Mar 22

It’s been years.

There were brief periods when international travel looked like it was feasible, but for the most part, it’s been either difficult or just not allowed.

If we’ve learned one thing during the pandemic, it is that nothing is certain, but all the signs are that travel is finally on the way back with a vengeance.  Airlines are re-recruiting staff, airports are dusting off terminals and travellers all over the world are making plans.

So where’s hot?  Now people can travel, where will they go and why?

Here are 3 predictions from us

Reconnecting with Loved ones

Grandparents who have only seen their grandchildren over Zoom, extended families who haven’t broken bread together for 2 years, friendships confined to social media.  Many people want no more than to reconnect with their friends and family and that will be the simple driver behind lots of trips in 2022.

It’s been hard

Whether people have been on the frontline of medical care or simply struggling with the challenge of working from home, it’s been hard for all of us.  We deserve a proper break and a real treat and we’ve been waiting for a long time! Expect extended trips to exotic destinations to be high up the list for many.

Travel for an experience

The pandemic has (hopefully) reminded us that there are many things we take for granted.  Life is short and maybe too short to keep heading back to the same place.  Whilst some will yearn for their favourite spot in the sun, we also expect many to look for a real experience – the sort that has been impossible for the last two years.  Whether that is a different culture, seeing the wonders of the world or a working vacation to make a difference to a local community, experience seeking looks set to be a 2022 trend!

Where will you go and why?

That’s a personal question and we sincerely hope that wherever you travel and why it turns out to be everything you want and have been missing.

Whatever your plans, make sure you sign up for flight patroller and let us sort out compensation for you if you do experience disruption.  Leave us to worry about that whilst you enjoy your trip.

More travel, less hassle!

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